Volkswagen is one of the best car manufacturers in the world and they give good value for all of their customers. The comfortability of driving is one of the best reason to buy such a car. It is very suitable for Indian conditions. The exterior look is very good and it's another wonder of German engineering technology. They designed with proper aerodynamic technology. The stability of the car is another feature and it's very safe.
Everyone is telling the service cost of this car is comparatively more than the other cars. But it's a yearly one service cost only and it cost around 13k. And the other cars take more than this amount in one year ( 3 month or 5000km service). There are no hidden maintenance costs and all the service centres are very good.
There is also one drawback for this car is ground clearance. I think the engineers will work for it in the future.
I personally suggest everyone take this car.