It’s advisable to let the pet travel in the back. Also, roll up the windows as they can get hurt with their necks hanging out
Planning a getaway? And without your best pal? Not possible. For people like me who simply love their pets and devote time and attention, one of the question that disturbs me while travelling is how am I going to get my buddy safe to the final destination? If this is a question that has bothered you at some point of time, read on.
Start by putting your pet in the car with the engine off. Let him wander around and get familiar with all those “car smells”. Next time, let your pet get used to being in the car with the engine running. Make him adopt a quiet behaviour so that he does not annoy other passengers or the driver. Your pet should be well trained to follow basic obedience commands.
Sometimes a few basic precautions can make the journey a safe, stress-free, enjoyable and successful one for you and your companion. Dogs look cute when they keep their head outside the windows during the car trip but it can damage their eyes or cause other health problems. Pets like cats are generally scared of cars, but some will adapt more easily if they get their cosy corner or favourite place in the car.
ome companion animals shouldn’t travel at all. If your pet is very young or very old, sick, recovering from surgery, or pregnant, then leave better it at home.
A vital thing one should keep in mind is the pet’s travelling kit, which contains food, dishes, favourite treats, blanket, brush, bed etc. Don’t forget to bring along fun toys too as they will keep your pet contented for hours. Before letting your dog travel, ensure your dog is healthy. Check with your vet at least a week prior to travel to make sure all vaccinations are completed and there are no health problems. Also keep some sedatives prescribed by the veterinarian, and anything else that the animal needs for safety and hygiene. Don’t forget to clean your dog before and after the trip.
Securing your dog not only keeps him safer in case of an accident but also means a safer drive for you and other passengers since an unsecured dog can become a dangerous projectile in an accident. Let your pets use safety restraints when they travel.
Most people would get their own insurance done, then why ignore your buddy? Get one for him too. There are many insurance companies like The New India Assurance Co Ltd, National Insurance Co Ltd and Aviva which insure pets against death due to accident or disease.
If you plan to stay overnight in a hotel, you should first check if animals are allowed. If you are planning to travel by air, it is important to take extra precautions to protect your pet. The risk of flying with your dog is minimal if you follow some basic tips (see box). Just a few precautions and a careful plan can mean a safe and happy journey for you and your beloved pet. And of course, don’t forget the camera! Have a safe and memorable experience with your pet and cherish those special moments.
Pets can be a danger to themselves and every other passenger when travelling by car. If your beloved pet is not strapped safely on the rear seat then there is a good possibility that it might cannonball into the front passenger and driver during an emergency stop. In such a case the pet would probably sustain severe injuries which it would be unlikely to recover from.
Using a harness in the car is not unkind, and most pets will actually feel more secure being restrained from constant motion. It is safer for everyone if you are involved in an accident that your pet is confined. Imagine a scenario where your pet was free to roam while you were possibly injured.
A loose pet could run straight into the oncoming traffic and could cause yet another accident.