I have driven my i-cng accomplished model around 8000km in three months. It's a compact SUV car so you can easily overtake/park the car in a narrow area. if you are tall, you should consider this car. My daily driving is 60-70 km. the CNG cost is 75/kg and the tank gets almost 8.4 kg when it is empty. I can drive almost 200 Km in one cycle of CNG with AC in the city and highway so I practically get around 24 km/kg millage. the car's overall structure is very rigid with steel. you can measure the thickness with a vernier caliper. so due to its heavy weight, the punch millage is low compared to other brands. I didn't buy any accessories from the showroom. then I only installed seat covers after markets which gives a very comfortable ride. I am planning to get LED lights after a few months. Thanks