this is my first car. i have learnt driving on this car in 3 days and started driving on high ways.
i could see the low power in LPG mode and the pick up is low compared to petrol mode.
as far as the mileage is concerned, i did not check the mileage in petrol mode but the mileage in LPG is around 12 km to 13 km.
i don't know whether this is a good mileage or not.
this is the way i checked the mileage:
"i completely filled the LPG tank and run for around 250 kms and then again filled the LPG tank full.then the amount that filled is divided by the number of KMs run"
as my driving is not that efficient, the mileage that i am getting may not be the right one.
what i feel is this is one of the low maintainance good family car.
space, comfortlow power in LPG mode, mileage,