This vehicle has a lot of pros and special drive train abilities when it comes to performance . Mg hector plus can handle a bit off roading such as sand, mud and in all irregular surface roads . Comfort and luxury is at best for everyone irrespective of family classes. Especially the features puts the passengers and driver at an advantage as it gives a connected vibe in long journeys. Servicing and maintenance is at the best . At this price, in this segment mg hector plus is the best and still has the unique accessibilities such as keyless entry and responsive.
Cons, not pretty much to say about it if your budget is at this price range this is the what you can get for a mid suv. Excellent bonnet in the front gives every driver a good view, personally liked it as an car enthusiast. Drivers get adjusted in their seats without any effort, because its controlled electronically . Finally I have to say that they could have improved or added some other things.. Well they might be working on a new model. Maybe ! So mg hector plus is the best car yet to enter the indian market with all the aspects of mobility and transportation and safety at 10/10 .