Its very surprising that BMW manufactures their product after tremendous research.But,its wind shield cracks by a little pull and hit by wiper. Within a span of five months with this car,it happened twice. Even I had long discussion with bmw group also, but its like that only.Greater car of the great people. I always dreamt of taking BMW. When I was suggested by this one it sounded a bit reasonable to me as per the trend . Also the car had all the luxurious features to sport. There was the fuel economy which made me satisfied by my choice. BMW car is not less than a dream and I am happy that I have bought this dream car last year. Well, I am getting what I wished for this car. My all expectations with this car are really fulfilled as it delivers me optimum performance with easy handling. There are a lot of safety features in the car and I feel very safe in the car instead of the fact that a lot of people have told me my driving is pretty rash. I feel comfortable and safe in the car at all times even at high speeds.