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Premier 118 NE [1990-2000] Std Reviews
(1 Ratings) 1 Reviews
Queen of Old Times- 118 NE
Dear Readers,
I am very pleased to write my review of this wonderful car from Premier Automobiles Limited (PAL) with 1180 cc engine, the queen of roads " 118 NE". I am still the proud owner of this car. It was my first car which i bought 4 years back after getting my first job. Honestly, i have travelled a lot in this car but it has never let me down....It had no major breakdown till date. The most beautiful part of this car is its comfortable seats at the back and smooth engine. The car has excellent pickup and is really sturdy to withstand any impact and importantly easily repairable. The maintainence cost is low. The only negative part is its exteriors and looks. The exteriors are prone to rust and it has an old look. But, overall its the best car. I would surely recommend this car, if anyone is looking for it. I wish these company had been there for improving its looks otherwise there is no match when it comes to withstand indian road conditions.Excellent Gearbox, Smooth Engine Performance,Good Fuel Economy,Sturdy,Safe,Spacious & ComfortableOld Design, Normal Interiors, Exteriors Maintenance