Stunting is a fun sport (if you can call it one), but only when done in a controlled environment. While some people are extremely skilled in the art of stunting, they do not realise the risk it poses to not only them, but also to those around them. This video shows an unruly Ninja rider performing a ‘rolling burnout’ on public roads, without appropriate safety gear and with utter disregard for traffic rules.
We can not only see him redlining the engine and torturing the clutch and tyres (which is making us cringe) but also splitting lanes and riding recklessly on public roads. Physics however, soon catches up with this rider as the rear tyre, unable to endure the torment anymore, throws in the towel and the bike experiences a blow out.
While you can’t help but appreciate the rider’s skills, people like these are largely responsible for giving the motorcycling community a bad name. Luckily, the rider avoids getting into an accident, as other fellow riders alert him of his tyre’s condition. Watch the video of the Ninja rider performing the burnout and blowing the tyre below.