Tata Motors has witnessed a 31 per cent drop in sales in July 2019 as compared to the same period in 2018. The cumulative sales in the domestic market for the fiscal (April 2019 -July 2019) were at 47,430 units, a 32 per cent in sales as compared to the cumulative sales in the same period last year. However, passenger vehicle retail sales have been marginally better than wholesale, thereby resulting in a slight reduction in the dealer stock.
In an effort to increase its retail sales, Tata Motors has increased its footprints in the country. The company inaugurated 48 new sales points across the country in April-July 2019, of which 30 have been added in July. Moreover, Tata Motors claims that its dealer network has added over 2600 sales executives to improve its sales in the country. The export (commercial and passenger vehicles) sales numbers have also been lower by 32 per cent in July. This was mainly due to stock correction in SAARC, Middle East and key markets in Africa.
Back in July, Tata Motors witnessed two important milestones - the roll out the 1,00,000th Nexon and the celebration of 10,000 customers for the Harrier with the launch of its new dual-tone version.