Skoda launched the Rapid with prices starting at Rs 6.75lakh (ex-showroom, Delhi). The Rapid is the new entry-level sedan for Skoda and is based on the Vento platform and even shares the same underpinnings and engines that power the Vento.
The petrol version of the Rapid comes mated either to a 5-speed manual and 6-speed autobox. The diesel engine and the gearbox is the same as the Vento. The Rapid is available in 3 trim levels, Active, Ambition and Elegance. The automatic is available in Ambition and Elegance trim levels of petrol.
Prices |
Petrol MT |
Petrol AT |
Diesel |
Active |
675000 |
NA |
795000 |
Ambition |
709000 |
809000 |
829000 |
Elegance |
799000 |
899000 |
919000 |
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