Renault India has managed to achieve tenfold growth for the month of April. It sold 6314 units in April 2013 as compared to 615 units in the corresponding period last year. Renault India sold a total of 6,314 units, with the Duster accounting for 5,362 units, Scala 545 units, Pulse 358 units, Fluence 39 units and Koleos 10 units in April 2013.
The company also set another benchmark in April, with the Renault Duster winning the TNS Voice of Customer award for highest customer satisfaction in its segment in 2012. The award is based on the TNS Automotive Four-Wheeler Total Customer Satisfaction (2012) Study and measures customer satisfaction among major vehicle owners on criteria such as cost of ownership, product quality and delivery process.
Commenting on the growth, Sumit Sawhney, executive director, marketing and sales said “With a complete range of products and an extensive dealership presence, Renault India has seen both continued growth as well as recognition for our product quality, reliability and efficiency.”