Back in 2018, Renault Group showcased three concept cars as its vision of the mobility of the future. This time around, at VIVA Technology Renault is making its vision a reality with new vehicles, partnerships and experiments that are generating today the mobility of tomorrow. As the pioneering electric vehicle leader in Europe, the Renault Group is sketching out easy-to-live mobility available to all. The company is working on four strategic areas of innovation that are key to transforming the industry: electric mobility, connected mobility, autonomous mobility and new mobility services.
As part of the Paris-Saclay Autonomous Lab project, the company presented the car-on-demand service using autonomous electric Renault ZOE Cab prototype vehicles. Paris-Saclay Autonomous Lab is a project initiated by the Renault Group, the Transdev Group, IRT SystemX, the VEDECOM Institute and the University of Paris-Saclay. Its purpose is to devise and test a comprehensive autonomous transportation system comprising autonomous vehicles, a supervision system, connected infrastructure and customer applications. Experiments will be conducted to determine the requirements for scaling up an autonomous mobility service. The company operates the autonomous Renault ZOE Cab prototype vehicles on the Paris-Saclay urban campus. The service is designed to provide many pick-up and drop-off points, which do not interfere with other traffic and are located near (not more than 300 metres) the most frequented campus areas.
The urban delivery ecosystem involves logistics companies, local and authorities, cities, infrastructure and automakers. Renault EZ-FLEX is an experimental compact, electric and connected vehicle designed for last-kilometre urban deliveries. A first trial will be carried out with LA POSTE Group to test the vehicle and its services. The trial will involve all ecosystem stakeholders and is designed to develop a common vision covering urban goods mobility. The vehicle is equipped with sensors to track their use. This information will be combined with feedback from operators during the trial. A broad range of data will be collected, this includes - geolocation, mileage, autonomy, door opening, speed, stops, etc. The data will be transferred in real time or once a day via the vehicle’s connectivity in order to gain an overview of the vehicle’s actual use in day-to-day operation. The analysis of the data, together with feedback from operators such as LA POSTE, will enable Renault to design vehicles that are better suited to changing urban logistics practices.
The Renault Group will continue to explore new mobility solutions with EZ-POD, an exploratory autonomous vehicle that can be used to provide first and last kilometre mobility. The two-seat autonomous connected all-electric Renault EZ-POD has a distinctive small footprint and high agility to provide mobility within closed sites such as parking garages, hotels, shopping centres, campuses and in urban settings such as city centres, neighbourhoods and apartment complexes. The Renault EZ-POD, which has an adjustable speed, is designed for transportation over short distances and serves as complementary mobility for all. The Renault EZ-POD, designed primarily as a robotized automated platform to provide first and last kilometre transportation of people, can also be provided in a goods delivery version.