Nissan has been in the market for a while now and has a host of models in India. This includes the 'V'-platformed Micra and Sunny sedan. It also offers the X-Trail and the Teana luxury sedan. However at the expo, the brand will be present with two ultraexpensive models. The one which we expect will be launched in India is the revolutionary GT-R sportscar. The GT-R has earned accolades around the world for its performance and technology at a fraction of the price when compared to other such cars available from other car makers. However it is not just big mean cars which will adorn the Nissan stand. The Leaf EV is also there to balance out things. The Leaf uses an 80kW and 280Nm frontmounted synchronous electric motor driving the wheels. A lithium-ion battery pack delivers upto 90 kilowatts or 120bhp.