If you have been a fan of the Alien movie franchise, then you must be awaiting the latest instalment of this sci-fi thriller which has been terrorising viewers since 1979. With the movie revolving around a deserted planet, occupied by an alien lifeform, it has its fare share of futuristic weapons, technology and not to mention vehicles. The 1986 ‘Aliens’ movie has the mental looking Hunslet ATT77 which was basically a aircraft towing tug modified to look like a space tank to tackle the unknown.
For the 2017 instalment of the Alien franchise, you have even more advanced weaponry and more importantly the introduction of the Moon rover Audi lunar quattro. In its film debut, the Audi lunar quattro is an integral part of the Covenant mission and is deployed to help navigate and assess the challenging, unknown terrain of a new planet. As part of the collaboration, a short film created by Twentieth Century Fox, 3AM and Audi was captured on one of the movie’s biggest sets. It shows the Audi lunar quattro patrolling the terraforming bay when it detects an unidentified lifeform and goes to investigate what lurks in the dark.
Being the hero vehicle of the movie aside, the Audi lunar quattro is preparing for an actual mission to the Moon. Since 2015, the premium manufacturer from Ingolstadt has worked with a team led by Robert Bohme, founder and CEO of “Part-Time Scientists”, on developing the rover. Audi experts have supported the Berlin-based start-up, in particular with Audi’s all-wheel drive expertise (quattro technology), expertise in lightweight construction, experience in developing vehicles with electric and plugin hybrid motors (e-tron), and with design optimization.
The movie is all-set to release around May 2017 and is sure to be an entertaining watch.