The much awaited launch of the Mini brand in India will happen at the expo. While Mini will share the pavillion with BMW, it will have its very on funky identity. The first on the launch pad is the Mini hatchback. The cutesy little car will be launched in multiple variants and is sure to draw crowds. However please do not expect it to be another affordable little hatchback. The next Mini to reach India will be the convertible. The cheeky little twodoor will come with an electric rag top. No doubt this will be a style statement par excellence. However we are not sure whether it will be entirely practical in the Indian context. But then one doesn't buy a MINI for practicality. The biggest of the MINIs will be the Countryman SUV. It packs in a choice between petrol and diesel engines and boasts decent kit too. Last but not the least, the Mini brand is entering India initially as a CBU operation and as a result MINI's range of cars will attract heavy duties. Hence the Countryman is expected to cost in the region of Rs 35 lakh. But do visit the stall and enjoy the Mini way of life and hope that BMW turns it into a CKD operation, which will make the cars more affordable.