Mercedes India has begun the New Year with a bang. After having got a good response at the Auto Expo in Delhi, the comapny has also posted a sales figure of 403 units (wholesale) for the month of January 2010. The company claims this is also best January they have had in its history.
The total sale consisted 403 units consisted of 130 C-Class, 245 E-Class and 22 S-Class cars. The balance was made up of completelty built imported unites. The January 2009 sales, just after the recession sentiment hit the Indian shores was 82 units.
Dr. Wilfried Aulbur, managing director & CEO, said "We have revitalised our product line and in January alone we launched 7 products into the Indian market. this takes our total offerings to 38 models (10 product segments) - the broadest product portfolio across any luxury car maker in India. Our investment in the new plant and unflinching focus on quality have borne rich dividends with our plant in Pune, which is regarded amongst the finest assembly plants in Mercedes globally."