Mercedes-Benz India has launched the E350 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY, the diesel variant of the new E-Class, at a price of Rs 48.08 lakh, ex-showroom, Delhi. The E350 CDI sports a 2987cc six-cylinder twin-turbocharged engine that produces 228bhp and 540Nm of torque, and will be available initially in Avantgarde trim.
BlueEFFICIENCY technology in the new E-Class includes light, aerodynamic wheels, lower rolling resistance from the tyres, a closed underbody, reduced ride height, a redesigned front end that lowers drag by 7% and a power steering pump that is active only when the steering is turned. We aren't sure how effective BlueEFFICIENCY tech will be during rush hour in our cities where we're sure most E Classes will spend a major chunk of their time, but we're eager to find out.