Maruti Suzuki India Limited has registered a Net Sales of Rs. 48,063 million (Net of Excise) during the second quarter (Q2) of fiscal 2008-09. The company had posted Net Sales of Rs. 45,297 million (Net of Excise) over the same period last year. Net sales reflected a growth of 6.1 per cent.
Net Profit for Q2 2008-09 was Rs. 2,961 million, as against Rs. 4,665 million in the same period last year. Net Sales (Net of Excise) for the first half (H1) of the fiscal (Apr-Sept 2008) were Rs. 95,373 million, a growth of 13 per cent compared to the same period of the previous year. Net Profit for H1 08-09 stood at Rs. 7,620 million, compared to Rs 9,661 million in the same period last year.The company’s total sales during H1 (Apr-Sept 2008) stood at 382,035 units as compared to 360,994 units in the same period the previous year. This reflected a growth of 5.8 per cent. In the domestic market, the company sold 351,799 units in H1 08-09 against 336,758 units the previous year, growing 4.5 per cent. The company’s domestic sales in A3 (sedans) segment grew to 18,849 units in H1 08-09, showing a marked increase of 33 per cent over the same period last year.
The company will launch its premium compact car, A Star next month in the Indian market.