Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. (M&M) has launched the Xylo D2 in Delhi, a new variant of its Xylo. Equipped with a new 2.5-litre mDI CRDe engine, the Xylo D2 offers excellent power and torque and a high level of fuel efficiency at a claimed 13kpl. The Xylo D2 is available at Rs 6,30,300 lakh (ex-showroom, Delhi).
The Xylo D2's mDI CRDe engine complies with BS 3 emission norms and delivers 95bhp and 215Nm of torque over a range of 1400 to 2600rpm. The 2.5-litre engine is mated to a five-speed manual gearbox and has been built on the Scorpio NEF CRDe engine family with relevant technological advancements.  The Mahindra Xylo D2 is available in gold shimmer, mist silver and fiery black shades.