Mahindra & Mahindra announced at the Delhi Auto Expo that it would be launching a range of its mobility products during the financial year 2012-13. These would include products in the personal as well as the commercial vehicles segment.
One of the most anticipated launches from Mahindra would be the SsangYong Rexton which has been displayed at the Delhi Auto Expo. Mahindra is scheduling to bring in this SUV to India along with its Compact SUV as well as the Mahindra Reva NXR before the festive season in October/November 2012.The Maxximo Passenger Van would be launched in the first quarter while the sub 4-metre Verito would be launched in the last quarter of FY 2012-13.
The 2-wheeler segment of the Mahindra Group will re-introduce the Stallio motorcycle in FY 13 along with launching its premium product, the Duro DZ nationally.In the Heavy Commercial segment, Mahindra Navistar Automotive Ltd (MNAL) will launch its 49 tonne tractor, the 25 tonne construction tipper in addition to its range of buses (32 and 40 seater). MNAL will also introduce its Integrated Trucking Solutions in the form of applications on their trucks.