Mahindra is set to excite crowds with a host of new reveals and launches. First in the line is the electric version of the Verito sedan and the production version of the Reva NXR, complete with a Mahindra badge on the grille. We had seen the concept version of the same at the last Auto Expo, but now it is a Mahindra product, post its MAINI's takeover by M&M. But the biggest announcement from Mahindra is the launch of the Ssangyong brand in India. The two SUVs in offing will be the Rexton and the Korando. While the Rexton is a large SUV, the Korando is the more modern SUV and is based on a monocoque shell. It is the first monocoque to come out of the Ssangyong stables and is due for launch in India early 2012 with a pricetag around Rs 14 lakh.