JLR has unveiled the CX-16, CX-75, DC100 and DC100 Sport in India for the first time. The CX-16 and CX-75 have been showcased together for the first time.
The CX-16 will be a hybrid sports car that will be powered by a 3.0-litre supercharged V6. The DC100 concepts are likely to get into production by 2015. Both concepts are based on the same shared 100-inch wheelbase. They feature sustainable hi-tech materials and the latest technology to optimise fuel and operational efficiency at all times, in all modes and in all driving conditions. Defender Concept 100 and Defender Concept 100 Sport include a variety of capability technologies including a Terrain-i scanning device to warn of obstacles when off-road, Wade Aid sonar technology to assess water depth and Land Rover Terrain Response System, which automatically optimises the car for any environment.