Hyundai Motor India Ltd has launched the LPG version of the Santro and has called it the Santro Eco. The LPG variant will be priced Rs 21500 higher than the existing petrol model.
The LPG version of the Santro has a factory-fitted LPG kit. The petrol tank holds 35 litres of fuel and the LPG tank, 27.2 litres. The LPG tank is toroidal like the Wagon R’s and enjoys a full two-year manufacturer warranty. The Santro Eco’s LPG kit is impact-resistant and the fitment is approved by the DOE (Department of Explosives) and certified and tested by the ARAI.
The ex-showroom Delhi price for the Santro Eco GL is Rs 354,294 and the Santro Eco GLS is Rs 373,357.