Ignore the fact that the ordinary Joe barely spares a glance for the signs that state what the speed limit is for a moment. Have you ever wondered why we’re limited to 60kph on our National Highways?
Looks like the powers that be have been wondering the same thing of late, so expect the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways to send men with buckets of reflective paint out to replace the ‘60’ with an ‘80’ on four-lane National and State highways and the fastest road in the country, the Mumbai-Pune expressway, shall have its limit upped to 100kph. Two-lane highways will be limited to 60kph; major district roads, urban arterial roads and urban distributor roads will have a limit of 50kph and access roads, 30kph.
This has been a while coming, but we’re glad it’s finally here. Our cars have gotten so much faster and safer that adhering to the current speed limits will get you nowhere in a hurry. Not that the traffic, cyclists, slow-moving trucks and jaywalkers will let you get anywhere in a jiffy, raised speed limits or not.