Ford India has announced its plans to globally reveal its new compact utility vehicle on 31 January 2018. Although the company chooses to keep it under wraps for now, we believe that this might be the new Figo Cross. Towards the end of 2017, we had spotted the upcoming Figo Cross in its production form and had revealed a few bits on what to expect from the new model. Based on the Figo hatchback, the upcoming vehicle will offer more features, equipment and a new dragon petrol engine option.
The Figo Cross is based on the Figo hatchback and borrows the body shell and styling cues from it. However, to distinguish it from the regular model, the vehicle comes with a hexagonal mesh grille and sculpted bumper with a blacked out lower half. Moreover, the Figo Cross gets bumper mounted fog lamps and a split racing strip in the centre to add to its sportiness. Additionally, the vehicle also gets blacked out wing mirrors and roof-rails.
As seen in test mules, the Figo Cross gets a new floating touchscreen display for the infotainment system. The system will support Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, along with Ford's SYNC3 connectivity system. It is to be seen if the production ready model will get an automatic climate system at the time of launch.
The new Ford Figo Cross will be available in petrol and diesel engine options. The vehicle will get the all-new 1.2-litre Dragon series petrol engine which is expected to generate about 90bhp of power. The diesel variant will get the existing three-cylinder 1.5-litre Dragon engine that generates 100bhp of power. Both the engines will be available with a five-speed manual transmission. Post launch, the new Figo Cross is expected to compete against the likes of the Hyundai Elite i20 and the upcoming third generation Maruti Suzuki Swift hatchback.