After completing its All-India Diesel Drive, Fiat is gearing up for the upcoming Auto Expo to be held in New Delhi in January 2010. Fiat has already introduced the Linea (January’09) and the Grande Punto (June ’09) this year and the company plans to carry on further by expanding its powertrain portfolio rather than its product portfolio.
As confirmed by our source, CarWale has learnt we could see a 118-bhp 1.6 multijet engine on the Linea and probably even the 120-bhp T-jet 1.4-litre petrol engine at the upcoming Auto Expo. Fiat will share its stall with Tata Motors. We can expect some other Fiat owned brands like Alfa Romeo and Maserati along with Fiat Bravo could be a part of this stand.
CarWale has also learnt that Fiat plans to sell 23,000 units till March 2010 and aims a 100% growth in its sales for the next fiscal year. Tata and Fiat sales joint venture could come to an end in the next couple of years, however, Â there aren't any confirmed reports about this.