Audi plans to land its assault force at the Indian market with the launch announcement of its entry level SUV, the Q3. The Q3 is based on the Volkswagen Tiguan platform and looks much like its bigger brothers – the Q5 and the Q7. It is expected to come with a range of engines in both petrol and diesel guises and with AWD technology. The new generation S6 sedan will also be on display at the expo. We expect Audi to stir crowds with this high performance sedan which comes with a massive a 4-litre, twin turbo V8 petrol engine. This super performance tuned machine goes from a complete standstill to 100kmph in a mere five seconds. Yet, Audi claims, this is a fuel efficient car! The spotlight at the stand though will be the A3 E-tron concept. Coming from the family of Audi's green cars, the A3 E-tron is a hybrid, which packs in a 1.4-litre petrol engine working together with a 20kW electric motor. In combination, the internal combustion and electric powertrain churn out 211bhp which propels the A3 to 100kmph in 6.8 seconds and on to a top whack of 230kmph. On the green side, the A3 E-tron has a claimed electric powered run of 54km before the internal combustion engine kicks in to recharge the batteries. Other current models of Audi will also be there on the rather flashy stand.