Audi has announced the appointment of five new dealerships at Ahmedabad, Chennai, Kochi, Kolkata and Ludhiana. This brings Audi India's dealership network up to twelve dealers.
The Audi Ahmedabad (Nixynova Motoren), Audi Chennai (Jubilant Enpro), Audi Kochi (Patel Cars), Audi Kolkata (Imperial Auto) and Audi Ludhiana (Olympus Motors) dealerships will be among the largest luxury car showrooms in their cities. The showrooms will have a separate Audi workshop to service all Audi models. However, the dealerships have already started operating from their sales offices.
The showrooms will be designed to give the customer a complete Audi experience.
The interior is being designed with unique and exquisite materials from different countries: furniture from Germany, lights from Japan, the floor from Austria and tiles from Italy.
In addition to the five newly appointed dealers, the Audi model range is available at present in seven dealership showrooms across the country: in Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chandigarh and Gurgaon.