4.0 Exterior | 3.0 Comfort | 5.0 Performance |
5.0 Fuel Economy | 5.0 Value for Money |
Before deciding on which car to go for, decide what it is you want. If you want to buy a good car and have lots of money to throw around, look for some other car (other than a WagonR). If you need a lot of boot space and are a frequent traveller, look for some other car. If you want a car that you will keep only for a year or so and then plan to sell, then again look for some other car (because after a year with a WagonR, you surely will love it too much to sell it!)!!
OK...OK...now that I have told you what you wont find in a WagonR, let me get down to why to buy a WagonR!
A little over a year and a half ago, when I was planning on buying car, I put down my requirements as:
1) affordable (4 lakhs at the most)
2) comfortable (I am 5’11’’ and I needed something that I would not have to wriggle into and squirm out of!) 3) something cozy for my family (4 of us!)
4) nice-looking (kind of!)