3.0 Exterior | 3.0 Comfort | 1.0 Performance |
2.0 Fuel Economy | 2.0 Value for Money |
Engine is ok. Good pulling power. But engine is not at all good. There is engingine oil problem. Enignine oil is comming less in everymile running. If the engine is good engine oil do burn out.The quantity or oil will be there in the oil tank. In my car after 1000 km running there is one litter oil found less in the tank. After three thousand K.M. running the warning light will come. I informed the dealer and they are adding engine oil every time. I bought the car in 25th april 2009. I hope the comany will solve the problem. Other wise it disgrace for the company. I have four years warrenty for the car. Now twenty thousnd Kilo meter of running compeleted. I am going to give the car for the third serviceing. I have already infomed the dealer about the probelm. My dealer is the (AVG Motors;Kottayam'; Kerala). Beofore completing the ten thosuand Kilo Meters of running I foud the probem and informedthe deler but d they didn't do any thing.
good stylebad iterior