Jaguar XF [2009-2012] price starts at Rs. 51.52 Lakh and goes upto Rs. 74.21 Lakh. The price of variant for XF [2009-2012] ranges between Rs. 51.52 Lakh - Rs. 74.21 Lakh.
Jaguar XF [2009-2012] Variants:
XF [2009-2012] is available in 4 variants. All the variants are .
Jaguar XF [2009-2012] Competitors:
XF [2009-2012] is competing against Audi A6, BMW 5 Series, Audi Q5, Mercedes-Benz GLB, Lexus ES, BMW 3 Series Gran Limousine, Volvo S90, BMW i4 and Jeep Wrangler.
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Jaguar has stopped the production of Jaguar XF [2009-2012]. The last recorded price of Jaguar XF [2009-2012] is Rs. 51.52 Lakh.
Q: Which is XF [2009-2012] Top Model?
The top model of Jaguar XF [2009-2012] is R 5.0 V8 Supercharged and the last recorded price for
XF [2009-2012] R 5.0 V8 Supercharged is Rs. 74.21 Lakh.
Q: Is there a new coming up XF [2009-2012]?
No, there is no running/upcoming Jaguar XF [2009-2012].