Buying experience: I have a very nice experience while buying this car.
It's look is very nice as compaired to any other models.
Riding experience: I feel very comfort while riding or sitting in the car.
It's suspensions are pretty much nice.
Details about looks, performance etc: The look of the car is nice and amazing. Performance is quite much good as we compare it's price with it's performance.
Servicing and maintenance: Not so much good servicing and maintenance as I recieved a car with quite damage like most of the time its engine get leaked.
Pros and Cons: Pros are that the car is little bit good and the shape or design of the car attacted me for buying it.
It's cons are that first of all I got a damadged car from the company
Seconed one is that the car is very much weaker as compaired to other cars of another company.