महिंद्रा स्कॉर्पियो [2009-2014] की तलाश में हैं? यहां स्कॉर्पियो [2009-2014] के देशभर के मालिकों के रिव्यूज़ और रेटिंग्स हैं।
अपना वेरीएंट चुनें
All Versions
m2 डीआई
vlx 2डब्ल्यूडी bs-iii
एसएलई BS-IV
एलएक्स BS-IV
vlx 2डब्ल्यूडी vlx
slx 2.6 टर्बो 7 str
vlx 2डब्ल्यूडी एयरबैग ऑटोमैटिक bs-iv
vlx 2डब्ल्यूडी एयरबैग bs-iv
एलएक्स BS-III
lx 2.6 टर्बो
slx 2.6 टर्बो 8 str
एसएलई BS-III
vlx 2डब्ल्यूडी एबीएस ऑटोमैटिक bs-iii
2.6 टर्बो 7 str
2.6 टर्बो 9 str
vlx 2डब्ल्यूडी ऑटोमैटिक bs-iii
vlx 4डब्ल्यूडी bs-iii
vls 2.2 एमहॉक
dx 2.6 टर्बो 7 str
वीएलएक्स स्पेशल एडिशन BS-IV
vlx 4डब्ल्यूडी एयरबैग ऑटोमैटिक bs-iv
2डब्ल्यूडी bs iii
ऑटोमैटिक 2.2 एमहॉक
vlx 4डब्ल्यूडी bs-iv
vlx 2डब्ल्यूडी bs-iv ऑटोमैटिक
dx 2.6 टर्बो 8 str
vlx 2डब्ल्यूडी एयरबैग bs-iii
कैटेगरीज़ (5 में से)
Interior (Features, Space & Comfort)- apart from the front two seats, there is not enough space for the third person to sit with ease
Engine Performance, Fuel Economy and Gearbox
It's really very bad especially the automatic version is nothing but a insult of this version. It's like illiterate villager being given a book of chemical engineering to study. I have already given my complaint in grahak sewa
Ride Quality & Handling
Very poor response from Pradeep. He is the engineer looking after my vehicle at koncept mahindra Delhi. He has kept my vehicle for around 10 days but the problem is as it is and now ko crept is not even entertaining calls from my side. They have started saying that I need to take the vehicle from their kohl a workshop to somewhere near saritavihar which is a new one. Great attitude from the company like mahindra. This is my second Scorpio in a row and now I have decide to switch my loyalty.
Final Words
Areas of improvement I think they need to come out of the shell of being the best as that has killed their skills of working at the ground level
I just liked the shape of this vehicleEverything apart from shape. Arrogance in staff of dealership, poor performance of vehicle .
कम्फर्ट और स्पेस
परफॉरमेंस (इंजन/गियर/कुल)
फ़्यूल इकॉनमी
वैल्यू फ़ॉर मनी/फ़ीचर्स
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