I think it is a most premium sedan for India with an unmatched look in this price range. Its not that costly but still the feel when you meet a friend of your's who owns an Audi A4 or a BMW 5series, it will not let you feel down and it is actually a value for money. And off-course this model is a head turning one from one of the giants of japanese automobile industries known Honda..
It could be better than any other seedan like Audi A4 or BMW 5series, if the company had not focused to make it within the reach of Indian customers i terms of price range because if this lower cost range factor was not there and they could have used costlier material and components as that used by Audi or BMW then definitely it could have beaten up Audi or BMW, but no matter still it can compete them although much cheaper if compared with its price range....
Kawish Rizvi
Allahabad, India
Pin-code 211003