This car has exceeded all my expectations. The build quality and safety features at this price range. The driving is smooth and especially when you push the car to higher speeds, it is just so smooth and there was no shake. I had like complete control over this.
I had to shift to Bangalore from Kolkata Last Year Oct. So me and my wife decided to take the road rather than air. Also we packed all our things in our car so it was a bit overloaded. We took like 3 days to cover the distance. I faced not a single issue during this trip. The mileage was just amazing on the highway. Got around 16-18 approx with continuous AC on an overloaded car and there was no impact on Performance. Yes in City the mileage is not as good. But then it depends on a lot of other things too.
Otherwise great car, superb performance. Literally no complain.
The Plastic looks a bit towards the cheaper side but still is sturdy. The interior color and looks is very much dependent on individual choice. For me Chocolate Brown and Blackwork.
Maintenance is pretty much standard, which is pretty much transparent on the Ford Website.
Kudos to that!
Another Issue i have is with the headlight. Its quite weak. I am thinking of getting it changed to HID. But ford should look into the stock headlights.
Overall, absolutely in love with this car since 2018.
Cheers! Happy & Safe Driving.