I have driven a lot of cars but since I am in one of the most crowded cities in India, its bangalore, so never even thought of buying a car. Personally if I am opinioned then I would say " four wheels move your body and 2 wheels move your soul" so I had till now stuck to moving souls only...
Have driven quite a lot of cars though, wagon r, audi, civic, accord, lancer, getz, swift, dzire and a hell lot other... If personally asked I would say I liked the driving experience in scorpio, sx4 & dzire...
My ultimate dream car would be the american muscle "ford mustang GTR 1969-Shelby "... thats a car you can mate with :)
But for now I am planning to buy a car in near future & lukin out for mini-cooper to be launched in india. I have driven that in UK and man its awesome...good stylethe ones which cant be ripped