

    12 years ago | Sushrut Babhulkar

    User Review on Audi A6[2011-2015]

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    Areas of improvement  I was a proud owner of A6 till few weeks back. I am completely uprooted to know my vehicle simply walks in the workshop to get serviced, ( Last week of November, 27th) its Engine control panel is been updated and I am told after making several enquires that it is konked off. To top it all, neither local Nagpur team, nor Mumbai team is able to take care of the problem. Probably German team was called too but they have also raised their arms up. Now I am been told the part is going to come from Germany. An Engine Control Panel ! Not available in India ???? I am loosing faith. Can someone restore it? Michael Perschke / Jessica Geutner are you hearing?

    Then after a week, the local Nagpur team calles in only to pacify me sadly and could not convince me to a great extent.

    My issue is  : If I am putting in so much money to go for a "BRAND" called AUDI A6 ...I should get a complete mental satisfaction, comfort, pleasure, backup service, machine reliability. Here, The basic is only going wrong...Its coming to a major technical fault which nobody in India and Germany could handle so, the easy scape goat solution of replacing the part itself, which was at fault.

    This make me completely uncertain on the machine and the brand.

    I am still not bringing in the issue of my Octroi money been taken , not been put in by a company official of Audi. The case of which is still pending in High court , Nagpur Municipal Corporation against Audi. Our names were flashed in newspapers and dishonored. Because of a staff in AUDI , who eloped with money and then behind bars, my name was flashed . Why should I not file a suit of defamation.

    And now AUDI strikes again , this time with a mechanical, manufacturing , technical failure !!! Not expected at all.

    Mr Samrat Sinha, keeps on buying time to give me a good offer, which after some nagging came to fore today, brought in by Local Nagpur dealer. They want me to trade in my car for 25 lakhs and put in more money If I want another vehicle in return. And ho much money are they asking. A whooping 26 lakhs!!!

    A professional, a Doctor, who all his life dreamed about a luxury car, and ultimately bought it in the form of A6, cannot afford this jolt. Neither financially, nor sentimentally. I am approaching you so you will help me putting this in media so more people don’t fall prey to this foreign companies coming to India, making false promises of servicing and failing which, forget courtsey but try and hit another business deal. I hope I will get justice here.

    Head turner,Unreliable backup from parent company
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