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Tips for novice drivers

Rachit Hirani, 01-Jun-2011

Tips 1-4

Tips for novice drivers

AUTO BILD INDIA has 10 top tips to help out drivers who have just got their licences

India is now one of the fastest growing automotive markets in the world and the current car sales are hitting the roof. So, we at AUTO BILD INDIA consider it to be our responsibility to give novice drivers some important driving tips which will make things easier and safer. Driving on an empty road is easy, but driving sanely on crowded streets can be very trying. You need to understand the way people drive and what precautions you should take when anyone cuts into your lane, or wants to go past you. After all cats may have nine lives but we humans only one and none of us would like to end it or spend the rest of our lives with some physical disability due to some silly accident. The worst part in all this is that though driver training schools are found a dime a dozen throughout the country, few impart any real training. So all those who have just earned their driving licences and wish to learn to drive better read on.

1. Distance from Steering wheel

Distance from Steering wheel

The driver should sit in a comfortable position with his shoulders resting on the seatback. The seating arrangement should be such that the steering wheel and the other driving controls like the pedals are within comfortable reach.

Hand position on the steering wheel Both the hands should be positioned at 9 past 15 minutes on the steering wheel.


2. Correct driving distance from the vehicle ahead

Correct driving distance from the vehicle ahead

Travelling too close to the car ahead, or tail gating, is a recipe for disaster since it leaves no margin of error if the car ahead has to brake suddenly. Avoid getting too close to the car ahead. Instead follow the two-second rule, wherein you establish a stationary reference point on the side of the road. Your car should cross that reference point at least two seconds after the car ahead has gone past it. Keeping a good gap will also improve your view of the road.


3. Avoid distractions

Avoid distractions

Avoid being distracted by things like ringing cell phones, looking back or at the co-driver, at pedestrians or even reading billboards while driving. Each of these seemingly insignifi cant actions reduce your focus and increase chances of an accident, especially if the road is a busy one.


4. Proper use of head lights, signals and hazard warning

Proper use of head lights, signals and hazard warning

While a car's headlights help you see what's ahead remember that they also have the potential to dazzle the driver of an oncoming vehicle, or any other road user travelling in the opposite direction. So here's your guide to proper headlight use. Low beam When driving in the city, always stick to using the low beam setting of the headlights. With bright street lights in most cases and cars bunched up closer there is no need for you to switch to high beam.


High beam The high beam is best used on dark highways where there is no auxiliary lighting in the form of street lamps and where cars are spaced out enough for other drivers not to be dazzled. Remember to switch back to low beam if you get close to the car ahead or if there is traffic from the opposite direction, especially on a bend.

Meanwhile fog lamps are meant for use in low visibility. The front fogs are usually positioned low to prevent scattering in fog and help you see the edge of the road or kerb better. The rear fog lamp is usually brighter than regular tail lamps and is positioned so that drivers behind can spot you easily. Use of fog lamps, especially the rear one, in clear conditions can however dazzle drivers behind you.

Indication is another very important part of driving. One must always make use of the indicators when switching lanes or when changing directions. Use hazards only when your vehicle is stationary on the side of a road. Do not use hazards unnecessarily since this can confuse other road users about your intentions.


Tips 5-10

5. Dealing with two wheelers and pedestrians

Dealing with two wheelers and pedestrians

Always keep a safe distance from two wheelers as they generally tend to weave across lanes. Many riders remove the mirrors and are unaware of what's behind. Be extra careful around them. Also, be mindful of jaywalkers and children on the road.


6. Things you should carry in the car

  Things you should carry in the car

Make sure you have a spare wheel at the correct inflation, a jack, a tool kit and a first aid kit in your car at all times. Also, carry a torch. You should even have drinking water and some edibles like biscuits, crispies or fruits for those unexpectedly long traffic jams.


7. Overtaking


Always overtake from the right and never go across to the other side of the road. Before overtaking check your mirrors to see if any other car is wanting to pass you, then move into the right lane and ensure that the driver of the vehicle being overtaken has noticed you.


8. Emergency stops

The best way to avoid emergency stops is to look ahead rather than at the bumper of the car ahead and spot hazards well in time. However if you need to do one, keep an eye on the mirror to see if you're going to be rear ended.


9. Highway on your plate

If you intend to take the car out onto the highway then you need to understand that highway driving is different from city driving. We recommend extra caution on highways since speeds are higher. Drive in one designated lane, preferably the slow lane, leaving the other lane for overtaking. Check your mirrors frequently and scan the road ahead rather than focusing on a point. Slow down a little if you spot habitation next to the road, for there might be errant pedestrians or stray animals. And last but not the least, make sure your car is absolutely fit and fine for a long journey. The last thing you want is a breakdown.


10. Adjusting Mirrors

The side view mirrors needs to be adjusted in a fashion that only a small part of the car can be seen in them, just for reference so that you know where your car is in relation to other vehicles on the road. If a greater portion of your car is refl ected, then you aren’t using your mirror properly.



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