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Enjoy Benefits of Roadside Assistance with Your Comprehensive Motor Insurance

CarWale Team , 17-Sep-2012

1 Page

"Aradhana, a young journalist, was coming late from work and found herself in a situation most female drivers would dread to be in: her car had broken down! Instead of leaving her vehicle stranded and looking for a mechanic, all she had to do was to call her insurance provider. Help was just a call away because her insurance provider offered roadside assistance, round the clock, with her comprehensive motor insurance policy."

Many insurance providers have now started to offer a host of benefits under roadside assistance to the policy holders incase of vehicle breakdown. Some of the benefits offered by insurance companies include:

  • Locked or Lost car keys pick up: In case your car keys are lost or mistakenly locked inside the vehicle, you can ask for a free pick-up of spare car keys or in some cases, replacement of the same.
  • Fuel Assistance: In case your vehicle runs out of fuel, you don’t have to leave your vehicle unattended to look for a petrol station. Your insurer provider will reach out to you with fuel as an add-on benefit of roadside assistance.
  • Taxi Benefits: In case of immobilization, the Insurer will arrange transport for all the occupants through a hired cab.
  • Accommodation Benefits: In case the family is going on a trip and the vehicle breaks down en route, hotel accommodation is provided for all the family members.
  • Towing Facility: Vehicle is towed to the nearest garage in case of any breakdown.
  • Flat Tyre Change: Assistance provided towards flat tyre change.

Apart from the above mentioned benefits, other services under roadside assistance include legal advice, minor on-site repairs, medical co-ordination, daily cash allowance and more.

Insurance companies are increasingly focusing on providing such add-on benefits to customers over and above the basic insurance cover. Customers can avail these benefits by paying an additional cost. However, some companies provide these benefits as a part of the insurance cover as value added services. 

So, next time your vehicle insurance is due for renewal or you are planning to get new car insurance, ensure that these benefits are also available with your cover. 

1 Page

"Aradhana, a young journalist, was coming late from work and found herself in a situation most female drivers would dread to be in: her car hadbroken down! Instead of leaving her vehicle stranded and looking for a mechanic, all she had to do was to call her insurance provider. Help was just a call away because her insurance provider offered roadside assistance, round the clock, with her comprehensive motor insurance policy."

Many insurance providers have now started to offer a host of benefits under roadside assistance to the policy holders incase of vehicle breakdown. Some of the benefits offered by insurance companies include:

  • Locked or Lost car keys pick up: In case your car keys are lost or mistakenly locked inside the vehicle, you can ask for a free pick-up of spare car keys or in some cases, replacement of the same.
  • Fuel Assistance: In case your vehicle runs out of fuel, you don’t have to leave your vehicle unattended to look for a petrol station. Your insurer provider will reach out to you with fuel as an add-on benefit of roadside assistance.
  • Taxi Benefits: In case of immobilization, the Insurer will arrange transport for all the occupants through a hired cab.
  • Accommodation Benefits: In case the family is going on a trip and the vehicle breaks down en route, hotel accommodation is provided for all the family members.
  • Towing Facility: Vehicle is towed to the nearest garage in case of any breakdown.
  • Flat Tyre Change: Assistance provided towards flat tyre change.
  • Apart from the above mentioned benefits, other services under roadside assistance include legal advice, minor on-site repairs, medical co-ordination, daily cash allowance and more.

    Insurance companies are increasingly focusing on providing such add-on benefits to customers over and above the basic insurance cover. Customers can avail these benefits by paying an additional cost. However, some companies provide these benefits as a part of the insurance cover as value added services. For instance, offers a total of 11 benefits under its 24*7 spot assistance as a value added service for online customers.

    So, next time your vehicle insurance is due for renewal or you are planning to get new car insurance, ensure that these benefits are also available with your cover. This article is provided by If you would like to know more please visit us at, contact us at 1800-1800-880or


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