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Car Selling Tips

CarWale Team , 04-May-2007

Car Tips

Selling your car yourself is easier than you may think. With today's online resources you can reach more buyers for less cost compared to a traditional printed classified listing.

Your first step

You are cutting out the middleman and increasing your profit, so I believe you are ready for putting in some effort! Don't be afraid, you will enjoy selling your car.

Find the current market price for your car

A good place to start is the internet. A little research and you will find the price of vehicles similar to yours. Visit CarWale CarValue for an estimate of your car’s price. Buyers love to bargain, so keep a buffer on the minimum price you are expecting, but remember, the buyer may have checked CarWale CarValue for your car, so keep the price near it to make your offer more appealing. If you don't want too many responses on your ad, specify clearly “Best Offer”, “Final Price”, “No Negotiations,” etc.

First Impression is the Last Impression

Looks sell. Clean your car thoroughly and consider taking care of minor maintenance issues.

Some things you can do to improve your car's appearance are:

  • Wash, wax and vacuum your car.
  • Wipe down the dashboard and other surfaces.
  • Gloss up the tires and polish the wheels.
  • Clean all glass inside and out, including mirrors.
  • Clean out any junk from inside your car and the boot.
  • Replace any fused lights or blown fuses.
  • Top up all fluids.
  • Check for any sounds and noises, and try to eliminate them.

Get all your car’s papers together. “All” means all of them - maintenance bills, service records, warranty receipts for tires, batteries etc. Well-maintained records will command a premium. They show that you care for your car.

How do I advertise?

Your best bet is an online ad. Think about it this way: how many newspaper readers are looking to buy a car? Compare that to the number of people visiting auto websites like this one looking to buy a car. Your car will stay on the site until it is sold. You get more space to show off your car.

Here are a few tips to help sell your car quickly:

  • Upload good photos. You can use your mobile camera to click the pictures. Photograph your car in daylight – preferably early morning or in the evening.
  • Give as many details as possible about your car. This will attract the right buyers and help you sell fast.
  • Specify extra fittings like alloy wheels, leather upholstery, CD-changer, music system, new tires, available services, warranties, etc.


Get ready to receive the inquiries

Once you have placed your advertisement, be ready with the information you have put in it. If you can't remember all the figures you have mentioned make a note of them on a piece of paper and keep it at some place accessible to you. Buyers are making a big decision, so try to answer every question honestly and openly. You'll save yourself time instead of making unnecessary appointments. Do the initial screening of the buyer over the phone then fix up an appointment. Make the appointment for a specific time, rather than allowing a buyer to show up "sometime after work." It increases the chances of the buyer showing up, and it doesn't waste your time. If you feel uncomfortable with a buyer coming to your house, arrange to meet in a populated, well-lit area.

Now the main part – closing the deal

Be patient; you will do well and sell your car.

  • Show your car to the interested buyer.
  • Don't let the buyer take your car for a test drive without you.
  • Check the buyer’s driving license and then let him drive, but you navigate.
  • Ask for a deposit if buyer wants you to reserve the car, and specify the time after which his deposit will lapse.
  • Negotiate the price, don't allow too much bargaining and don't show desperation to sell. Give it a little attention and leave it for the buyer to decide.

Sales Formalities

Congratulations. You have sold your vehicle but some paperwork will need to be done. Accept the payment either in cash or a demand draft. In case of cheque payments, don't transfer the documents till the time the cheque is realized. If the buyer is arranging for a loan, take help of finance company's DSA, who will guide you through all the paperwork. Any car dealer or RTO office in your area will help you with RTO transfers.


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